Reconfigurable Fabrics: | Evolvable Hardware focusing on self-healing and group testing techniques to extend mission lifetime of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and Field Programmable Analog Arrays (FPAAs). |
Deeply-Scaled CMOS Design: | Extraction and remodeling of critical paths to optimize energy-delay-product and aging-mitigation in ALU design. |
Emerging Logic Devices: | Design and modeling of post-CMOS switching devices emphasizing non-Von Neumann logic-in-memory computing approaches. |
Performance-Aware Datapaths: | Energy and Quality-Aware architectures for signal and image processing. |
Resources Available
— 1000 sq ft of lab and cubicle space in HEC-242 and EB1-274
— Access to Stokes 2400 core cluster
— Servers and Workstation
- Two Dell PowerEdge R620 (16G RAM, 16 cpu cores, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2690 0 @ 2.90GHz)
- Two Sun Solaris Servers
- A 16-node Dell Power-edge 1950 cluster, per node Dual Dual-core Intel Xeon Processor, 4GB memory, 2 500/144 GB SATA/SAS hard drives
- A 48-node Sun Solaris cluster
- A data archive center for SEECS Data warehouse project, including two Dell storage servers and four PowerVault MD1000 Storage Trays
- An 8-SCSI-Disk RAID System
- High-end PC Workstations: 8 dedicated + 5 shared
- Tens of Dell workstations
— Testing Equipment
- A Tektronix MSO4104 Mixed Signal Oscilloscope
- A Tektronix TLA6403 Logic Analyzer
- A Tektronix TLA5204B Logic Analyzer
- An Agilent N6705 DC Power Analyzer
- A Keithley 2000 Multimeter
— FPGA Platform/Design Kits
- Two BEECube BEE4-LX550T-U 64GB RAM
- Two miniBEECube
- 15 Xilinx FPGA Embedded Kit Kintex-7
- 12 Avnet Zynq-7000 Zedboard
- 3 Virtex 7 boards, Vivado floating licenses plus ISE and planahead
— EDA Toolchains
- Cadence University Bundle
- Synopsys University Bundle
- Xilinx Vivado/ISE Design Edition
- Licensed framework toolchain for dynamic partial reconfiguration of Xilinx devices
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.