R. F. DeMara, Y. Tseng, K. Drake, and A. Ejnioui, "Capability Classes of Barrier Synchronization Techniques," submitted to International Journal of Parallel and Distributed Systems and Networks on August 30, 2004 and available as UCF Tech. Rep. UCF-ECE-0403 online at http://netmoc.cpe.ucf.edu:8080/internal/yearReportsDetail.jsp?year=2004&id=0403 Abstract: Performance metrics and evaluation criteria are used to develop a novel taxonomy which classifies barrier mechanisms into categories ranging from simple Static- Binding Idle-Tasking (SBIT) methods to robust Dynamic-Binding Any-Tasking (DBAT) methods. Such capabilities include support for multiple barriers, reconfigurable and reusable synchronization resources, and provisions for dynamic process binding. Based on these features the existing software-based approaches, dedicated-hardware mechanisms, and hybrid hardware/software techniques for synchronization are assessed in order of increasing complexity. Any barrier synchronization algorithm can be readily classified using this taxonomy to understand resource requirements and performance tradeoffs.